Blog 10

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Push menu

Hello, this time I am finally going to put together what I wanted. I am going to use previous scripts:

  • 1. Temperature (From blog 05)
  • 2. Time with load averages (From blog 04)
  • 3. CPU + GPU (From blog 08)
  • 4. Temperature at weather station (From blog 09)
  • 5. Wind a weather station (From blog 09)
  • 6. Defining Temperature ( not visible on display! ) (From blog 05)

And put them all together in a push button menu. So that I can show the information from one of the six scripts on the display and use the pushbuttons to choose which one I want to see.

I still had to modify the scripts. But I didn't want to change them so I made a copy from some: Example:

cp timer time_load 

I made the scripts more basics, so that they only print the information on screen. ( If I wouldn't do this it will make the screen refresh too much or ignore me pushing the button ) So the things I had to remove from the scripts were:

  • while true; do
  • done
  • echo
  • 10:00
  • 11:00
  • sleep

Note! You shouldn't delete 11:20, because the script from pushmenu isn't made to also remove the second line. It only cleans first row with 11:00.

Example from how the 'Time with load averages'(./time_load) has to look like after removing everything that is not needed:


DISPL="bw_tool -I -D /dev/i2c-1 -a 94"

       load=`cut -d' ' -f-3 /proc/loadavg`
       $DISPL -t `date +%H:%M:%S`
       $DISPL -W 11:20:b
       $DISPL -t $load

Now the script itself:


bw_tool -I -D /dev/i2c-1 -a 94 -w 10:00 

while true; do
  Button=`bw_tool -I -D /dev/i2c-1 -a 94 -R 30:b`
  if [ $Button  != "00" ]; then 
    bw_tool -I -D /dev/i2c-1 -a 94 -w 10:00

  if [ $Button  = "20" ]; then 

  if [ $Button  = "10" ]; then 

  if [ $Button  = "08" ]; then 

  if [ $Button  = "04" ]; then 

  if [ $Button  = "02" ]; then 

  if [ $Button  = "01" ]; then 

  bw_tool -I -D /dev/i2c-1 -a 94 -w 11:00

  sleep 1

All the 6 buttons reference to the 6 scripts:

  • 1. Temperature
  • 2. Time
  • 3. CPU + GPU
  • 4. Temperature at weather station
  • 5. Wind at weather station
  • 6. ui
bw_tool -I -D /dev/i2c-1 -a 94 -w 10:00 

The first list with #'s can be deleted, but I made it so that I can change it to my preferences. If you remove Print=ui, the display will start with an empty screen. (What isn't a problem, but you will get error messages on the terminal.) The 10:00 will at the start-up it remove everything from display.

while true; do
  Button=`bw_tool -I -D /dev/i2c-1 -a 94 -R 30:b`
  if [ $Button  != "00" ]; then 
    bw_tool -I -D /dev/i2c-1 -a 94 -w 10:00

First it will look if there is a button pressed. If there is no button pressed it will be 00, and then it will be just refresh the last one. When a button is pressed 10 will directly remove the previous text. Because at the beginning of the code it will check: If 30:b doesn't check a number that isn't(with !=) 00 it will refresh the display. So everything will be removed when the button is pressed.

  if [ $Button  = "20" ]; then 

Then it checks with 6 times if there is a button pressed with the number given in the if statements. When then for example someone presses button 1 -> 20. Then it makes Print Showtemp2.

( to detect which button gives which number. You have to copy paste this line and press the button you want to know:

bw_tool -I -D /dev/i2c-1 -a 94 -R 30:b


bw_tool -I -D /dev/i2c-1 -a 94 -w 11:00

It says it has to place on the line 11:00. ( If you remove that part, it paste the text with the previous one, while refreshing.) With ./$print he then prints the information from the button that was last pressed. (So it would then print out the information from showtemp2. )

sleep 1

Thanks to the sleep you now have to wait a second for the refresh of the screen but also for the code to scan which button has been pressed.

I hope this can also be useful for your own use!